Crowdsourcing Japan’s radiation levels

A group of motivated individuals have come together to create a community approach to gathering radiation data in Japan

There is a certain element of helplessness to living in northeast Japan right now. It isn’t just dealing with the images – and reality – of the large-scale catastrophe in the wake of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami It’s not even the electrical outages, the disrupted train services or the very real fear that another big earthquake – one as massive as the magnitude 9.0 temblor that wiped out entire coastal communities – is imminent. It’s the fear of radiation, invisible, odourless and potentially deadly, leaking out of the damaged Fukushima Daiichi plant and entering their bodies via contaminated air, food and water. The only way to get any peace of mind is to get accurate, timely information on radiation levels (which can also fluctuate) and therein, as the Bard would say, lies the rub, because said information is far from accessible.…continue

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